Friday, September 21, 2007

creative image!

I found this image from a bbs chatting board. It seems that this image was created by some applications, but it definitely conveys some special meanings. Lots of lines are shot out from the window, and it is likely many eyes outside are watching, or the author wanted to apply the meaning of light pollution now. I only found this image without any explanation, but I like this feeling, so I posted it here!

alternating rhythm!

( I found this picture from internet.)
I think this might be a sample of alternating rhythm. The conception of "alternating rhythm " is defined by consisting of successive patterns in which the same elements reappear in a regular order. (from a book, named <>. Author is : David A. Lauer Stephen Pentak.) The repeating pattern of the iron shapes against negative space shows this type of rhythm. The design involves a sequence of forms from center to outsides catching our attention.

rhythm by lines!

I found this picture from internet. It is one kind of candy, right?
However, when the author put them together, you could see the rhythm created by line!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

asymmetrical balance!

(This image is from internet, page name:computer graphic lab.)
The two small men placed on the right can balance the bigger man on the right.That's a good example to demonstrate one kind of asymmetrical balance principle in textbook "multiple small squares, acting together, can balance a large square."

radial symmetry!

(It is from the internet, page name: Principal of Art)
As you could see, in this picture, the puff flower, as a background, are designed by the lines and shapes grow from the center point. The format is now divided diagonally as well as vertically and horizontally, the center of the composition(dancer) acting as a focal point.

symmetrical balance

(This image is from internet,
Page name:Art as Co-Creation
Author:Suzanne Cheryl Gardner.)

This image is so interesting and creative. Although the shapes are not definitely mirrored by vertical axis since there is an extra bird on the right, the author applied positive place and negative place ingeniously to create a meaningful solution.

The description from author is fantastic, so I quoted it here:

Bringing balance into our lives is the key to living and bringing peace into our worlds, both the inner and outer worlds in which we live. Tom Kenyon says in his book “The Magdelan Manuscript,” “The key to a fruitful creation whether it be cosmic or individual was seen (during pagan consciouness) as a balance between these forces (spirit and matter).” The forces he speaks of are the human soul spirit connection, and nature. In Machelle Small Wright’s co-creative process books she says this partnership strikes what she calls an involution/evolution balance in our lives. A balance that we once had when we created hand in hand with nature; whereas today without this co-creation we have the human soul creating imbalance in every aspect of our world. When we can return to having respect for the forces of nature intelligence and elicit a conscious co-creation with nature is when we may have the opportunity to bring balance and peace back into our individual lives that make the way for peace in our outer world.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Emphasis through contrast in color!

(From: Communication Arts January/ February 2007. P149. Terry Vine.

In this picture, only one pair of slippers laid on the top of the wall, using the warm color-red. Contrast with it, the background use cold tone—blue ocean, sky and grey wall.
So the only use of warm color creates one of the most emotional focal point.

Emphasis through contrast in scale!

( From: Communication Arts December 2006, P147. )

In this picture, the small background people and hill become charged with meaning when combined with the image of the huge monster. It’s difficult to fight against with monster.

another example: contrast by shape!

(From: Communication Arts January/ February 2007. P141,Scott Spiker.

The person in the middle is clear, but the background ( sky, pool and etc. ) are obscure. Thus, the whole picture’s focal point is on the person.

Emphasis through contrast in shape!

(From Communication Arts January/ February 2007. P151, Jenny Thomas. )

This picture is contrasted by shape. The child’s face is so clear, but the bubbles surrounding her are obscure. It makes the focal point on the face.

Emphasis by isolation.

(From: Communication Arts December 2006, P16 . Content: you car knows what’s good for it.)

The designer created a pattern using five cars connected by a rectangle. But the car at the right breaks the pattern. This break conveys the isolation felt by the special car ejected from the game.